Lake Oswego Trip & Fall Accident Lawyer

Proudly Serving Trip & Fall Clients Throughout Oregon and Washington

Lake Oswego trip & fall lawyersAn accident involving a trip and fall might be frightening. When individuals sense their stability slipping away, they typically panic and fail to prepare for the consequences. As a result, major injuries occur, necessitating a lengthy healing period. It’s easy to get caught up in your injuries, but it’s vital to remember that the accident could not have been your fault. Contact our Lake Oswego Trip & Fall Accident Lawyer if you have questions.

Property owners are legally obligated to maintain their properties and keep them secure. Every day, people in Lake Oswego, and throughout Oregon and Washington suffer injuries as a result of trip and fall incidents. The skilled attorneys at The Law Office of Randall J. Wolfe realize that if a property owner fails to make his or her premises secure, the owner or management must be held liable.

Slip-and-Fall vs. Trip-and-Fall: What’s the Difference?

The formal differences between a trip-and-fall accident and a slip-and-fall accident are significant under premises liability law, even though the phrases are commonly used interchangeably. The basic distinction is the reason for the fall.

This distinction is significant to your Lake Oswego Trip & Fall Accident Lawyer because the cause is crucial for determining the property owner’s degree of responsibility in preventing the hazard.

Slip-and-fall incidents happen when a pedestrian slips and falls as a result of making contact with a moving or transitory object on the floor. This might be anything that moves, such as water, glass, paper, plastic, sand, or sand. Falls of this nature frequently result in injuries to the head, neck, back, and hips, as well as vertebral herniation. A trip-and-fall accident occurs when a pedestrian endures a fall after making contact with a ground-level object or imbalanced walking surface that creates him or her to miss a move.

If an accident occurs on their property, victims may be able to sue private landowners or businesses. They can also sue government agencies if a fall injury or accident is caused by a lack of maintenance, failure to keep the public property up to code, or carelessness. Trip and fall injury attorneys are essential in arguing for a victim’s rights and assisting them in understanding this area of the law so that they may take appropriate action.

Lake Oswego Attorneys for Trip And Fall Accidents That Are Dedicated To Your Case

Our experienced lawyers are dedicated to assisting people just like you. We recognize that the narrative behind the story is frequently more important, therefore we pay attention to you and swiftly respond to any of your queries. Following our initial meeting, we will keep you updated on the progress of the project. Our firm handles all forms of premises liability disputes involving trips and falls caused by a range of hazardous circumstances, including:

  • Damaged stairs
  • Railings that have been broken
  • Potholes in the parking lot
  • Uneven surfaces, such as entrance-way mats that haven’t been cleaned in a long time
  • Sidewalks with cracks
  • Uneven floors
  • Spilled debris that hasn’t been cleaned up adequately
  • Failure to give a hazardous area warning
  • Holes that haven’t been labeled

If you have scratches, bruises, fractures, or other injuries that cause lasting damage or scars, we will make sure that the medical experts treating you correctly document them and file the appropriate insurance claims. If you suffer head, neck, or back injuries, or brain injuries, especially if you have a concussion, our legal team will be there to make sure you get the care you need and that matters like lost income are taken care of.

Contact Our Lake Oswego Trip & Fall Accident Lawyer

The attorneys at The Law Office of Randall J. Wolfe in Lake Oswego are dedicated to providing you with the legal advice and help you need to pay your bills and have peace of mind. We have the courage and knowledge to obtain you what you’re entitled to when you need a competent slip and fall attorney who is ready to vigorously pursue the recompense you deserve.